
The final fight for the English throne!

Dear dairy

Written 12th October 1066 B.C

I have been sent from the future. A vogue only thought of by little boys who had heard of it in stories before going to sleep. Fortunately in 2008 a very secret and quiet project was finally complete. A time machine, after millions of pounds and many, many years we finally can travel thorough time. Just as well in the nick of time because in 2010 they have scheduled to revive William the conqueror. The people of the UK military don’t agree to these arrangements and ethics that the museums share. It is my job to stop William the conqueror from being king of England this may cause some changes in the future that we must live in, but it is for the sake of the good. I came out of the time vortex in ordinary gear for a house Carl a stronger mail chest, a helmet protecting my head, plated leg armour, gloves and boots. I thought I did a very good job of blending in today. The army has not arrived from Stamford Bridge yet and I shall get a job as a merchant until they come home. Later the next day at around 3:30 AM I went out hunting for meat to sell. I found it demeaning after two hours of hunting I kill 4 deer and I have not sold any meat hard work no money.

Dear dairy

Written 13th October 1066 B.C

As night broke into day I had accidentally dosed off while seating down waiting for someone to buy my meat. I wake up around 1 O’ clock and find I have no meat now, but that didn’t bother me because the army was arriving. This meant that you would get ale and bread when you get home from battle. Thankfully I was accepted as a solider because of my gear. I quickly asked a solider if he wanted me hold his sword so it looked like I had just fought. That night I was told not to make to many friends because it may alter time, but I was a little too happy to have some ale and drank too much. I met George who is only fifteen which made me feel bad about drinking with him. As well he joined the army because the Vikings had killed his parent’s which is why he fought in Stamford Bridge. I also met Edwin who is twenty-four and it surprises to see how much the human race has evolved because when I was talking to him he did not know what the sun was or how to read. I felt privileged to know so many things that I never thought were important. When they asked me my name I answered the first name that came to me I answered “William Sheffield”. That night I had nowhere to sleep so I feel asleep onto the table when everyone else left.

Dear diary

Written October 1066 B.C

In the morning George and Edwin came in the cafeteria and woke me up I got my gear on then realized that I was going into battle I was really paying attention to that part until I thought about while getting my gear on. The problem was that it was an alarm saying that the Normans were attacking in the south. As we marched down towards the blue wavy sea I felt scared, the weeks of training and tactical learning it took for me too learn the English battle formation were just slipping away like the howling wind passing my eyes. As we spotted the Normans at the bottom of the hill we form our shield wall stay in the middle become more scared every second the Normans came closer. After 1 hour of useless fighting I see a black cloud of some sort coming over me which I then suddenly realize is a pack of arrows I shout “Arrows!” This was a stupid decision by me because most people looked up and got hit in the eye. I saw a gap in the wall I quickly filled eat at that moment I swallowed my fear and fought for what I thought was right and stopped being scarred. After another few hours of them hitting our shields and our shields hitting them the Normans started to retreat then for some reason Edwin who was also in the front of the wall ran after the Normans this was not a good idea. Our entire wall started to follow Edwin I stayed back as another cloud of arrows strikes our army I knew that this fight was lost. I did not go down without a fight I went on a rampage running at the enemy striking anything in my path with a powerful blow. I went thorough about ten or fifteen people when I suddenly feel a sharp piercing in my knee I look down and find an arrow caught between a small gap in my legs. As I fell towards the ground I thought about not one man can change anything it is a group challenge. I crawled towards a river to wash the wound, but the pain was too deep I took my sword and cut under the arrow so it falls out. My leg was incredible hurt I had to crawl to the nearest medical attention facility. Now here I am one and half legs just finishing a useless mission that was a complete failure. If humanity can not sort out issues with each other then how can you learn to compromise or agree on decisions that clearly need to be discussed between the two parties even if they have different laws or beliefs. My portal back too the 21st century comes on the 16th of October which gives me time to rest I shall use this event as something to learn from and not try to redo.

Austin Irving




1066 the year of conquest by David Howarth


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